Monday, January 31, 2011

GeunGeunCouple-Jang Keun Suk & Moon Geun Young reunion essay

Mary Stayed Out All Night that have been already end December last year, starring Jang Keun Suk & Moon Geun Young reunites again in an essay.

Revealed yesterday ,the Photo Essay of Moon GeunYoung & Jang Geun Suk Cut had a total of 320 pictures and precise insight into an Exciting Love Story.

You can see the unseen photos from the first meeting of two people who eventually feel love for each other in 100 days of the contract of marriage to the end

And their photographs contains 320 photos who have not been seen yet.

Publisher official said "The popularity of Jang Keun Suk & Moon Geun Young couple is the reason why the book had been published, even before their fans are inquiring us about this"


[2011.01.31]Moon Geun Young Japan Promotion 2p


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jang Geun Suk mentioned Moon Geun Young at his fan meeting on 29 January

Someone posted an english article on Moon Geun Young's CY. the title is "Jang Geun Suk mentioned Moon Geun Young at his fan meeting on 29 january".

On 29 January, Jang Geun Suk had a fan meeting in Seoul. A fan asked who had been his favourite actress among those who worked with him. Jang answered without hesitation that Moon was his favorite actress. He said Moon has a strong will as an actress, and She has many things in common with him. He said they learned a lot from each other and found many surpring aspects from her as well. It looks like the become really good friends ^^

Moon Geun Young's baidu bar have translated it into chinese:

credit: Moon Geun Young baidu bar

[Photos] Moon Geun Young Basic House behind the scene

Credit: won @ geungeun baidu

[Photos] Jang Geun Suk on 'Codes Combine'


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